July 11, 2012


I hit a big Weight Watchers milestone today. I got under the big 10% loss line!

I've been really discouraged these last few weeks because I've only lost 0.7 pounds in my last two weigh ins total. So far I have been used to at least a pound a week for the most part since I started WW in March. I thought I killed it the last two weeks but the scale didn't show that. I was (and still am) having a hard time seeing the bigger picture that I have lost 21.7 pounds in just under 4 months and that I've been feeling better in general! I'm only 1 pound away from being half way to my ultimate WW goal! If anyone told me this is where they were right now I'd be so happy for them and congratulate them so much for an awesome accomplishment. But me, I just think oh I could have done better, or there is still so much to lose.

This part of me, Vemily, is the hardest part of this journey. It's so much easier for me to fit in a run when I don't want to or say no to ice cream at my dear hubby's parents house than it is to just be proud and happy with what I've accomplished. How on earth did I get this way? I really don't know but I decided a few days ago to seek outside help. I am actually going to go see a psychologist to try to learn how to love myself. I have been trying for a long time and only making a little headway so I think it's time for a little assistance. I've been meaning to go to learn how to handle stress better related to my job but I am finally going to bite the bullet and call this Friday and make an appointment. When I started this blog it was not only to help me with weight loss (and hopefully inspire others that it is possible) but to also help me become a happier, healthier person in general. As cliche as this sounds I want to emerge from this fat cocoon I've built myself as a strong, powerful, beautiful butterfly when it's all said and done. I don't want to come out of this and just be a skinny inwardly-ugly caterpillar. I know with my logical brain I am a smart, pretty, capable person. I need to train my emotional brain to agree with that.

I can say however that given the last two weeks, old me would have probably thrown in the towel saying this isn't working anymore and just quit. I haven't thought that even one time! So that is a small accomplishment I'm happy for.

I also did some reading on WW and apparently is common to hit a plateau around 10% lost and that if you never use your weekly points you tend to not lose as much. This last tidbit was from reading on the message boards so I don't know how true that is, but I stopped using any weekly points the week my weight loss slowed tremendously. So I'm going to start to use some weekly points again and try to fit in my exercise this week. Wish me luck world!

Until next time.

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