July 18, 2012

Back on track!

Woo! After two crappy losses I put up a good number this week! Down another 1.3 pounds! Very happy about this!! It's nuts too because I ate 34 of my 49 weekly points (something I've never come close to before) and only exercised one day! Hubby had to have surgery so I was in the hospital most of the week eating total crap. I'm pretty amazed.

I decided yesterday to try Insanity. I need to be working out more than I have been and this seems like a good way to do it. I haven't been able to run in 90 degree heat with 98% humidity and I definitely can't take the dogs with me in that kind of weather so I've been slacking. I did the Fit Test yesterday and here are my results:

Switch Kicks: 50
Power Jacks: 27
Power Knees: 60
Power Jumps: 22
Globe Jumps: 6
Suicide Jumps: 5
Push-up Jacks: 15
Low Plank Oblique: 26

Boy did that kick my ass! Day 2 is today and it's the first real workout of the program. I'm excited even though I know it's gonna hurt something awful. I should be able to get through 7 weeks without any interruptions (I AM going to do this every day I swear!) but we go on vacation in September and it's going to mess up my 60 days. So for me it'll probably end up being 64 ish days instead. I took before pictures which I will post next to my after pictures when the time comes. I am not following the diet plan so it's going to be WW and Insanity for me. We'll see how good it really works! Hoping to look really hot on our vacation!! I have a potential to lose about 14 pounds by then if I keep it at a healthy 2 pounds per week. We shall see!

Until next time.

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